With each and every post, we strive here at Creative Tempest to bring you only the best artists from around the world. This post comes to you all the way from Los Angeles, CA, with our artist being none other than Tomasz Opasinski. Born in Poland, in 1975, Tomasz has his bachelor’s degree in computer graphics in print and advertising, certified as an Adobe expert, and is currently working as a digital artist and creative consultant for various prestigious advertising agencies in LA. Tomasz has an incredibly impressive work resume that includes work in literally hundreds of movies, video games, TV shows, and television networks. What we love about the work of Tomasz Opasinski is how original and unique all his designs are. Looking at his work makes us ponder the depth and complexity of his mind, clearly there must be countless algorithms and innumerable image configurations taking place that all sum up to one thing: design genius! This is why his work is put on display for the entire world to see. And for this we’re happy to post such creative talent and vision here on Creative Tempest and hope you will share the same appreciation for great artwork that we do.
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